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Fill Your Cup Virtual Art Cafe 

An online cafe for us to come together as a community and create guided by an art therapist

Coming Soon


Welcome to the Cafe

Coming soon to a virtual space near you, a weekly, 1 hour art therapy group where we can come together as a community and create together. Fill your cup is an open studio style group where you can drop in as you need to re-fill your creative cup every week. 

The inspiration of this group came from a need that I have heard from clients over the years who struggle with chronic stress, anxiety and burnout. This need being able to set aside some time for ourselves each week with guidance and community. 



1 hour a week you can log on to an online space which will be facilitated by myself. Each week will offer a few different arts-based prompts, journal prompts and a brief mindfulness activity. 

The idea is to emulate that cozy cafe feeling. You know the one, where you have a warm drink in hand, soft music playing, a book or a journal nearby and you are taking in time for yourself. It's hard to take that time for yourself and to get out sometimes. So this group encourages create that space for you right inside your home. We will talk about how we can best do that each week. 

You can keep your camera on or off and just show up as you.



- Register weekly to receive the online link
- Show up with your art supplies (nothing fancy needed!)
- Show up with your cozy drink
- Sign up for the newsletter

* Registration is not yet open, keep reading below to learn more


- Connecting with a community 

- Making space for self each week
- Connecting with self creatively
- Space for expressing emotions
- Space for relaxation and stress-relief
- Engagement in mindfulness based activities
- Weekly newsletters with journal prompts, art sharing, and how to engage creatively with yourself
- Prioritizing needs

- Engaging in play


Grab your mug and materials


Sign up for the interest list and receive a discount for the first month when the group is officially announced (codes will be sent when group is announced)!

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